Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Schnepf Farms with the cousins

We went to AZ to visit family a couple of weeks ago and had a nice visit. It was a quick visit but we did enjoy a trip to Schnepf Farms. It's been a few year since we were last there (I think Weston was only 10 months old or so).

Our favorite thing to ride were the family bikes. We all got a good laugh out of it. They guys got a good workout.

Yes, that is Tanner almost falling out. There were no belts.

 Tanner loves feeding animal. Weston not so much, he doesn't like the smell.

 I don't think you can see him but weston loved the roller coaster.

 Tanner gets so excited to feed goat. I was nervous that goat was going to try and eat him. He was a food hog. Tanner didn't care though. 

1 comment:

3in3mom said...

fun--we'll have to do that next year!