Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Santa...

We went and saw Santa Claus tonight. Weston did a lot better than I thought he would do. Earlier today we cut out pictures of toys he's been asking for and glued them onto a "Dear Santa.." letter. So he showed Santa what he would like for Christmas tonight. I thought he did great and I was proud of him for talking to Santa and not being afraid.


Mommy said...

What a cute photo! My girls are not fans of Santa :( I love your idea about cutting the ads and then writing a letter to cool! Merry Christmas!

karen said...

Too cute! This was the 1st year Alex did not cry...Samantha never did-she just put up with it, though, until this year. We also took pics (only we just tore the pages out) and I think that helped a lot. That picture is priceless.